Pros and Cons Know Before You Go to Root Canal Treatment

If the pulp inside your tooth is infected or swollen, your dentist may suggest root canal treatment. You need to know the pros and cons of root canals before you make an appointment. After you know what the pros and cons are, you can make a smart choice. Then you'll be ready to set up an appointment for a procedure.

Root canal treatment has both pros and cons.

When a tooth is badly broken or infected, it is important to take action. Many people choose between root canal therapy and having a tooth pulled. If you look at the pros and cons of a root canal, it is easier to choose between the two. Patients can decide what to do after weighing the pros and cons.

Keep your natural teeth

With root canal treatment, the natural tooth can be saved. Dentists take out the infected or swollen pulp tissue, clean out the root canal, and put filling material in its place. Patients don't have to worry about bone loss if they keep their own teeth. So that people can keep their natural smiles, the root of the tooth will keep stimulating the bone.

Treatment might make the tooth weaker

After getting a root canal, a tooth could get weaker. Dentists have to drill through the tooth to get to the pulp, and they may have to take out more decay as well. The dentist will put a crown on the tooth if it is too weak to work. This will make the tooth stronger and let the person use it like a real tooth.

Stop toothaches Pro:

It hurts a lot when the pulp is infected or swollen. When your teeth hurt, it's hard to do anything. Many people have so much trouble that they can't even go to work or watch TV. During a root canal treatment, the infected or swollen pulp is cleaned out, and antibiotics may be used to treat the area. The toothache goes away once the infection is gone.

Con: Sometimes you need more than one appointment

In some cases, a root canal can be done in just one visit to the dentist. But in complicated cases where the infection or damage is bad, you may need two or three appointments. Also, getting root canals on the upper first molars might take two or three visits. There are three to five root canals in the upper first molars, and each one needs to be taken care of. This takes more time to do.

Pro: It stops teeth from falling out.

When a patient gets a tooth pulled instead of getting a root canal, they have to worry about gaps in their mouth. The teeth shift to fill in the spaces. This can cause problems with the way your teeth fit together and make it hard to eat. With root canal treatment, the teeth stay where they are, so there is no need to worry about how they fit together.

Do you need to have a root canal?

A root canal will let you keep your natural tooth, put an end to your toothache, and stop your teeth from falling out. But it could make your tooth weaker, and you may need two or three appointments. Talk to your dentist and think about the pros and cons. Your dentist will help you decide how to take care of your teeth.

Request an appointment at our Westport, CT office at or by calling (203).222.1444.


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