Are Dental Implants Considered Safe ? Or Not

If you want to replace missing teeth, you have at least one option. You might be able to get a bridge for your teeth. You might do well with partial or complete dentures. Or, your dentist may suggest dental implants. They look good, work well, and are very safe. Because of these things, they are often the first thing your dentist will suggest when you need a new tooth.


A dental implant is a replacement tooth that is made to look and work just like a natural tooth. A titanium screw is put into your jawbone as part of a dental implant. This screw looks like a real tooth root, which keeps the jawbone from breaking. The screw is then covered with a crown that makes it look and work like a natural tooth.

People have been using dental implants for more than 50 years. People think dental implant surgery is a very safe dental procedure, but it's important to remember that every surgery has risks. Even though they are rare, possible risks can happen. There is a chance of getting an infection at the surgery site or having nerve problems. But your dentist would not suggest dental implants unless the benefits would be much greater than the risks.


Many people think that dental implants are the best way to replace teeth. This is because they have advantages that dental bridges and dentures don't. Some of the benefits of dental implants are:

  • Dental implants replace both the top and bottom parts of the "tooth."

  • Dental implants are very strong and usually last a lifetime.

  • Dental implants help keep the teeth next to them in the right place.

  • Jaw bone erosion can be stopped with dental implants.

  • Dental implants stop the skin from sagging and aging too quickly.

  • Gum disease can be stopped with dental implants.

  • Dental implants make chewing more comfortable.


If you're missing one or more teeth, make an appointment with a dentist who has done dental implants before. Since we've helped people in Westport, CT gets new teeth. Your teeth and gums will be checked to see if your jaw is healthy enough to hold dental implants. He will also make sure that you don't have gingivitis or periodontitis on your gums. We might suggest dental implants if your health is pretty good all around.

If you are not a good candidate for this kind of tooth replacement, he will talk to you about your other options, such as dentures or a dental bridge.


If you want to replace missing teeth and get a megawatt smile, call Distinctive Dental Service today to set up an appointment. We can do more than just dental implants in Westport. For example, we can whiten your teeth, give you crowns in the same visit, and use Invisalign to straighten your teeth. At his office in Westport, CT, we do all kinds of general dentistry. Call (203) 222-1444 today.


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